The Evolutionary Comfort Bits
Evolutionary In Design
PED Bits offer maximum comfort for the horse and are manufactured with high grade stainless steel and with absolute care and precision. They have all been designed with specifications to suite the horse and the discipline, and to ensure that they are legal across the disciplines.
Core Features.

Ultimate Balance
In most riding disciplines, we look for the horse to be supple and balanced. PED Bits and correct dentistry ensures that the horse has a comfortable state of mind and condition to work into…

Ultimate Performance
All riders are striving for the ultimate performance which they can achieve from themselves and their mount. Our philosophy is to offer the most comfortable bit yet retain …

Independent Lateral Movements
Most bits on the market are jointed (single or double). This creates a fulcrum action – when one side is moved, the other moves. PED Bits has a barrel joint, which allows for …

Maximum Comfort for the Horse
PED Bits are ergonomically shaped mouthpieces. A horses mouth is curved. So we ride in a non curved bit, expecting a round frame, when we offer them …

Anatomically Designed
PED Bits are anatomically designed to be comfortable for any horse. We offer different mouthpieces to suit breeds. They are lightweight, forward curved, with no open joint. Therefore no palatal or …

Specific to the Discipline
Each discipline has specific specifications. Pleasure: Our aim is to provide comfort for the horse. PED Bits offers independent lateral movement, which ensures the horse has …

Follows Competition Guidelines
Currently, there are many bits on the market that do not follow Australian, and many international competition guidelines. Each country within its own disciplines, has specific …
PED Bits Range.
Continually improving the design and aesthetics from clients feedback.
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