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This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

The Evolutionary Comfort Bits

Evolutionary In Design

PED Bits offer maximum comfort for the horse and are manufactured with high grade stainless steel and with absolute care and precision. They have all been designed with specifications to suite the horse and the discipline, and to ensure that they are legal across the disciplines.

Core Features.

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Ultimate Balance

In most riding disciplines, we look for the horse to be supple and balanced. PED Bits and correct dentistry ensures that the horse has a comfortable state of mind and condition to work into…

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Ultimate Performance

All riders are striving for the ultimate performance which they can achieve from themselves and their mount. Our philosophy is to offer the most comfortable bit yet retain …

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Independent Lateral Movements

Most bits on the market are jointed (single or double). This creates a fulcrum action – when one side is moved, the other moves. PED Bits has a barrel joint, which allows for …

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Maximum Comfort for the Horse

PED Bits are ergonomically shaped mouthpieces. A horses mouth is curved. So we ride in a non curved bit, expecting a round frame, when we offer them …

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Anatomically Designed

PED Bits are anatomically designed to be comfortable for any horse. We offer different mouthpieces to suit breeds. They are lightweight, forward curved, with no open joint. Therefore no palatal or …

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Specific to the Discipline

Each discipline has specific specifications. Pleasure: Our aim is to provide comfort for the horse. PED Bits offers independent lateral movement, which ensures the horse has …

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Follows Competition Guidelines

Currently, there are many bits on the market that do not follow Australian, and many international competition guidelines. Each country within its own disciplines, has specific …

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PED Bits Range.

Continually improving the design and aesthetics from clients feedback.


A Completely Different Horse

I have an ASH who has a very nice nature although quite different when I would go for a ride. I knew she was getting older in age and thought I would get her teeth checked because she was a slow eater and dropped alot of her food. Nicole came out and educated me alot about teeth and horse behaviour and she did some outstanding work on my horses teeth. I was really blown away. I purchased a small PED loose ring comfort snaffle bit from Nicole, which is what she recommended for my horse. She is now eating with no problems, unbeliveable to ride, very responsive and she is now a completely different horse with the most sweetest personality.

Julie White

Utimate Performance, Ultimate Balance. A Happy 18 YO Gelding

From the first step my horse took with me on his back, I knew he was a different horse. There are no words to describe how amazing the transformation was, and how easily it had happened, after searching for so many solutions. The answer to my problem... Performance Equine Dentist, Nicole Graham with the combination of the PED Bit.

Amy Kort

My horse has become nice and soft in the mouth

I love the PED Bits, they are better and kinder than other bits. My horse has become nice and soft in the mouth and is responsive. Not only has she been eating better, but also turning, flexing and bending.

Genevieve Davis

PED Bit wins Australian Interschool Dressage Primary Preliminary Championship

Nicole asked me try a Performance Equine Dentistry (PED) Bit just before the 2011 Interschool Nationals and I couldn’t believe how much softer in the mouth my pony was, he was no longer heavy on my hands. I believe the PED Bit has made a big difference to my pony, he is now an absolute pleasure to ride. We won the 2011 Australian Interschool Dressage Primary Preliminary Championship in the PED Bit. Nicole is lovely to deal with, so professional and has amazing knowledge about horse’s teeth and mouths. She is gentle with the horses and I thank her for suggesting the bit and for doing my pony’s teeth.

Chloe & Cass Ritchie

The happiest my horse and I have ever been.

The happiest my horse ‘Boyfriend’ and I have ever been!! I had Nicole come and perform dentistry on my show hack ‘Boyfriend’ and also provide us with specialty bits, which fit perfectly. The difference was incredible. I rode him the day after Nicole treated him with his new bits and he has never felt so soft and supple, the difference was indescribable! I highly recommend Nicole Graham's expertise, the service she provides and the investment in your horses happiness and well being is a valuable one.

Rachael Addison

Up A Level With A PED Bit

I own a 14 year old TB gelding who has always been hard in the mouth, hard to control and it got to the point where he was rearing every time I applied pressure on the bit. I had Nicole come out to do his teeth and the difference is amazing. She did a wonderful job and even let me look inside his mouth and have a feel so that I knew what was going on. He is now ridden in a PED Bit and he has never worked better. He is 100% soft in the mouth and we are even doing XC in it with plenty of control. We have now moved up a level simply because my horse is now happy and comfortable to be riden. Thanks Nicole for doing such a great job!

Georgia Sutcliffe

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